
Special Precautions/Comments:

Additional Information:

Zinc is a trace-element which is an essential cofactor in >300 enzymes. Zinc plays a role in many processes including energy metabolism, immune function and wound healing. Zinc levels are affected by serum albumin, diurnal variation and time of sampling relative to meals. Zinc is also a negative acute phase reactant and so it should not be measured until 2 weeks after the acute phase response has resolved to avoid falsely low results.  

Zinc deficiency is associated with inadequate dietary intake, anorexia or starvation. It can also be seen in inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Loss of zinc can occur via open wounds, burns or gastrointestinal loss. Furthermore, high levels of copper or iron in the diet can interfere with absorption of zinc.  

High levels of zinc may be seen as a result of high supplementation but is not usually of clinical significance.